Friday, March 16, 2012

Creative Writing

Creative Writing

The Rules Of Academic Writing: 8 Tips

  1. Stay and focus on your topic 
  2. You must write what you mean. 
  3. Avoid redundancy in your writing. 
  4. Get rid of imperative voice in your writing 
  5. Each paragraph must be relevant to one sub-topic. 
  6. Don’t forget to include correct punctuation in some sentences. 
  7. Be thorough when including homonyms. 
  8. Take note that “however” and “but” aren’t interchangeable. 

Can You Earn From A Creative Writing Blog?

Stephanie Meyer, J.K. Rowling and Nora Roberts 

Getting Your PhD In Creative Writing

Choosing The Right Online Creative Writing Program

List of Creative Writing Jobs

Creative writing jobs also involves copywriting. Copy writers have to write creative letters, brochures and product design catalogs for advertisement. If you enjoy using the skills of your language to persuade and convince people, copywriting is your career path.

Book Writing
If you can plot a mystery and engross the reader to devour each page of your book, then book writing is your field. You can try fiction writing and non-fictional books, for children and grown-ups. You can sell your manuscripts to publishing houses and if your books are well-received, then we can see another J.K. Rowling in the making.

Article Writing
This creative writing job involves learn as you write. This job involves writing articles based on information that will help people get answers to their questions.

Legacy Writer
If you have a flair for emoting people's emotions, trials and triumphs on paper, then legacy writer is a job for you. You will need to write biographies of people that are to be handed down to their friends and family. If you truly are a genius with your creative writing job as a legacy writer you may find yourself writing for famous personalities.

Script Writing
If you can weave a plot that will glue your audience to the screen, be it television, stage plays, training videos or even movies, then you should try your hand at script writing. This job is perfect for those who believe in visual narration of their writings to books. Script writing involves stories that include action to romance, thrillers to comedy. You need to build up a story around a given plot, create characters, make sure each actor has a role in a given scene as well as be ready to make any changes in an entire scene at a moment's notice.

Travel Writing
You love traveling and penning down what you see? Then the best creative writing job for you is travel writing. You can write for magazines, travel websites, newspapers, etc. and make the readers take an imaginary trip to the locales with your creative writing.

Freelance Creative Writing Jobs
You can choose a freelance writing job with a newspaper or a website. You can write articles, stories, reviews, etc. for these mediums. You can be paid anything from $90 dollars or more for writing short creative articles per hour. There are many online jobs that you can apply for and become a freelance copywriter.

E-book Writing
There are many e-books available today on the Internet. These e-books many times are related to technical aspects of certain electronic gadgets for consumers. You can try a hand with online creative writing of these user manuals, especially if you have a technical background. This is a good opportunity for those who can merge their hobby with their profession.

Just like a screenwriter, there is a palpable demand for original song lyrics. If you think you can play with words and string them into songs, then becoming a lyricist or song writer is a good creative writing job to invest your time in.

Newspapers and magazines not only require journalists to cover different stories, but also require columnist. These are writers who can write a short column related to current issues, relationships, cover high-profile weddings or on their take regarding certain social changes affecting the society. You may have a daily column or a weekly and even fortnightly column featured in the magazine or newspaper you work with.

Food Critic
If you love eating and can easily make out the best foods from the mediocre recipes, then this job is just for you. Food critics can make or break the reputation of a certain restaurant. All you need to do is taste the food offered at restaurants, hotels as well as other food eateries. If you earn a name for yourself with your unbiased and honest food reviews in the food world, it will turn out to be the most satisfying career for you. This involves both financially as well as personally satisfying.

Comic Book Writer
Don't you love reading Archie, Batman, Superman and other comic books? Do you feel you could start your own comic book that contain comedy, action and all that it takes to make a good readable material? It is not necessary that you know how to draw. You can write the lines and a good sketch artist can help create the characters of your story. So, if you are into telling your story supported by graphics, becoming a comic book writer would be a suitable profession for you.

Creative Writing Instructor
A creative writing instructor is a teacher who teaches in schools, colleges and universities. They may even conduct private seminars or workshops as an self-employed professional. As a creative writing instructor you have to teach others how to be creative or show them to channelize their creativity in the right direction. You may have to check their prose and poetry, grade their assignments, conduct tests, monitor their classroom activities, etc. Most of the time, a person's reputation in the field of writing is required to become an instructor. However, on the other hand, a person needs to have a degree in education, or creative writing to secure a job as a creative writing instructor.

A ghostwriter is a person who writes for someone else. This means people who want to talk about their life, experiences or imagination in a book may not have the ability to write creatively. In this case, the ghostwriter helps compile their ideas, thoughts, knowledge, experience into a structured story or book. A ghostwriter can write on variety of subjects from personal life story to IT information to marketing strategies.

There are many jobs for creative writing available. One can become a greeting card writer, creativity coach, freelance writer, playwright, video game writer, and many more. Choose your field in the world of creative writing jobs and make a career writing. You can harness your writing skills and excel in it too. I have found my field and I hope you do find your footing in this colorful world of writing creatively.